
The early years of adulthood offer independence, opportunity, and many uncertainties. As young adults balance school, work, relationships, and the financial and emotional costs of diabetes, how can we support a balanced approach to the use of diabetes technology? Fabulous question! This session will dive deep into case studies that share the daily lives of young adults living with diabetes and strategize ways to help them find balance and move forward with confidence and emotional stability.

Jen Hanson, RKin, CDE

Executive Director, Camp Huronda

Jen was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 3. She is the Executive Director of Connected in Motion, where she works to bridge the gap between clinical care and ‘real life’ for adults with Type 1 diabetes… View Speaker’s Full Bio


Gabrielle Schmid, RD, CDE, CPT

Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, Certified Pump Trainer
LMC Diabetes and Endocrinology, Ottawa, ON

Gabrielle is a diabetes educator, registered dietitian and certified pump trainer with LMC Diabetes & Endocrinology in Ottawa. She connects with families and children living with type 1 diabetes through the JDRF and volunteers with… View Speaker’s Full Bio